Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Motivational Quotes

There’s no person in the world
That can live without dreaming.

Dream is a kind of shelter
Where everybody finds harmony.

If you have no ability to dream

You will have
No culture
No art
No science
No desire to make efforts for a brighter future.



Treat every connection you make as if it's the most important thing you've ever done. Because, frankly, you never know when it actually will be.


Ask yourself…
If what you’re doing today
Is getting you closer to
Where you want to be tomorrow.

To be successful,
The first thing to do is
To make your work joy full.



We are all blessed again today
With the gift of life.

let’s make efforts to make
Something good today.

Help others who need help.
Think of others who are
Less fortunate.

One small positive
Thought in the morning
Can change your whole day.


There is a magnet in your heart
That will attract TRUE FRIENDS.

That magnet is unselfishness,
Thinking of others first;

When you learn to live for others,
They will live for you.


Each day is a new Chance 
to work on the things
You didn’t get right 


To build upon the things 
that You did get right.

It’s never too late to change.

It’s always a good time to
Be thankful for where
You are right now.


There are two reasons for drinking water:

One is, when you are thirsty,
To cure it;

The other, when you are not thirsty,
To prevent it.


"Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be." - Karen Ravn

Life is full of lots of ups and downs….

Sometimes it’s like a wave in the ocean,
Knocking you down and leaving you breathless….

Other times it like a ripple in a pond,
Barely noticeable but going on and on….

Keep in mind when things don’t move
They become stagnante.

So even in the confusion,
Enjoy the movement……

It means you are ALIVE!


You can't buy happiness,
You can buy ice cream.

And that’s kind of 
The same thing.

When you’re stressed,
You eat Ice cream, chocolate and sweets.
Because “stressed” spelled backwards
Is “Desserts”


If every morning,
You can find a reason to say,
“Yes, it’s going to be a beautiful day.”

And every day, you find a reason to say,
“Yes, it is a beautiful day.”

And every night, you find a reason to say,
“Yes, it was a beautiful day.”

Then one day,
You’ll look back and easily say,
“Yes…. It was a beautiful life.” 



My formula for living is quite simple.
I get up in the morning and
I go to bed at night.
In between, 
I occupy myself the best I can.


Wishing you a day full of joyful moments.



Every rainy season in your life has touched you deeply inside somewhere, it has made you grow, given you strength.

Rain bring a rainbow; they stream colors into your life.

And you come out as gold.

Peacocks wait for the rain.
When they see dark clouds gathering 
They open their brilliant feathers.
And when it rains, they dance so beautifully!

When dark clouds gather, the end has not come.
You will pass through this time.
As you are passing through it,
There are two ways you can experience it:
Either you can groan and cry and pass through it……
You can sing and dance through it.

And when you can sing and dance in the rain,
You will get so soaked in joy.


A child is like a butterfly in the wind
Some can fly higher than others,
But each one flies the best it can.
Why compare one against the other?
Each one is different.
Each one is special.
Each one is beautiful.


"In every CHOICES that we choose, There's always a RISK; But always remember that there's also a chance" In the beginning there was nothing- which exploded.


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